Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Revlon scented "Grapefruit Fizz"

Now the sad thing is that firstly I bought 2 of these and because I was sooooooo excited (and they smelled sooooo tasty, people must have thought I was nuts as I spent all week sniffing my nails) that I went to look for more.

I found this one (and I really am not much of a princess pink person) and decided I had to get it. The problem was that it was in a discount drugstore for $5 instead of $10 and I wondered... ???

Well, cease wondering, dear friends. The mystery is solved. There was something ***awfully wrong with this one. It totally smelt of formaldehyde or something, so strong that I nearly got flung to the back wall when I opened the bottle. A day later it had faded on the nails somewhat (yes, people, I actually DARED put this stuff on my nails, my poor nails). and there were was very faintest whiff of what might seem like grapefruit, but there was still a strong chemical odour.

Had this been a real and good polish who knows what it may have smelled of.

Colourwise, its a jelly. I went so far as to put on 4 coats. I really love the crystal flaky though, and the whole set of these tropical cocktail polishes have the same flaky. Application is usual. Revlon has gone pretty standard - decent brush, huge bottle that you would never hope to finish, good consistency, good finish.

I got the big lecture from mum - must be a Chinese fake, be careful, they put all sorts of toxic drugs in there instead of quality materials blah blah...

Anyway, enjoy this polish. :)

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